Monday, October 13, 2014

Beautiful Burgos!

We spent the night last night in a small village outside of San Juan de Ortega called Atapuerca.
The prehistoric caves were found in this town in the 70's with the earliest remains ever discovered in Europe dating back over 900,000 years! Wow!

Our friends from Holland and our friend Patrica all stayed at the same small hotel. We all had dinner together last night and breakfast this morning. We enjoyed our conversations and getting to know them a little better.  We headed for Burgos right after breakfast. It was raining and very windy off and on throughout the day. We had one mountain to climb (Alto Cruceiro), with a huge crucifix on top. The views were beautiful from on top and we could see Burgos way off in the distance.  From there it was down hill and flat the rest of the way.  We walked 13.4 miles today, about 4 miles along the Rio Arlanzon that runs right long side of Burgos. The path just seemed to go on and on.

Tonight's hotel is right next to the huge Cathedral and right on the Camino. The picture below was taken right off our balcony this afternoon. The Catedral de Santa Maria XIIIth is amount the most beautiful of Spain's many cathedrals and one of its largest. It was built essentially in a Gothic style and has been embellished by great master builders and architects down through the centuries.  It is an amazing site to see!

Tomorrow we head to Hornillos del Camino. We hope you enjoy our pictures from today!


  1. What gorgeous pictures! It reminds me of the one in Cologne Germany. Breathtaking! By the sounds of the day's journey, I'm surprised you can hold your head up long enough to photograph something so high. I can't believe you're already one third of the way there! Congratulations on all that you've accomplished so far!

  2. VERY awesome ladies! I loved the picture of the gothic style of the cathedral....then I scrolled down and saw the lit-up picture, OMG! What a sight to see first hand!!

    You ladies are doing a fabulous job, keep it up. You both are an inspiration.

    Without you Diana, I don't bother talking to any of the Contracts people. Hehe ;)
