Sunday, October 19, 2014

El Burgo Ranero

The weather was beautiful today, in the low 70's and party cloudy all day.  We left once again before sunrise, the skies were red over Terradillos de Los Templarios. See pic below.  The first half of the day was beautiful, rolling hills and several small villages to walk through.  The small village of a orations seemed deserted as we walked through and then right next to the old church was the cutest cafe we've come a crossed yet. There were flowers toppling out of their baskets on the front facet.  See pics below.  The instead was quaint and had interesting artwork hung on the walls.  I could picture myself running a business someday...who knows maybe in my retirement?

Another interesting thing about this small village were some homes we found built right into the hillside.  There were sky lights and smoke stacks coming out the top.  We were wondering if they were built like this to provide protection from the weather or from protection from war?  After stopping for tea and coffee we proceeded on...and on...and on.  18.6 miles to El Burgo Ranero.  We were spent and flopped on our beds, horizontal finally!  This evening I will be popping my blisters.  We were told to stick a needle in with thread on it and push it back out the other side, leaving the thread in to serve as a wick so that fluids can drain out.  I hate the thought of it but I need to do something to relieve the pressure.

Below are some pictures from our day, tomorrow we head for Mansilla de las Mulas.


  1. Diana and Lee..You two are amazing! We are so proud of the two of you. The pictures are so beautiful. Keep them coming. I am seeing parts of Spain I will probably never see. We just returned from a week in New York. I thought we walked a lot around the city. No way!! Miss you and love you. Take care..Bobbi and Ed

    1. Thanks Bobbi & Ed, we are having a great time even though it's a bit challenging putting in the mileage we do day, after day. Thanks for following and for your comments! Diana

  2. Diana - I celebrate and support you, and want you to know you've already accomplished wondrous things. Take whatever care of yourself that is needed! Maybe there are other creative solutions to these challenges? You are an amazing woman and will figure it out. Wishing you comfort, creativity and of course, strength.

    1. Thanks for all your moments a words of encouragement Barb!

  3. Hi Diana and Lee. Thank you for sharing your journey. I continue to be amazed every day by your strength and courage to keep putting one foot in front of the other. Thanks for the pictures. It looks very beautiful over there. Sending you prayers. Good luck with the blister, Diana. You are amazing women. God bless.

  4. Donna, thank you for following along and all your kind words. We wish you could experience this someday!
