Monday, October 20, 2014

We are liking Leon!

We left Mansilla de las Mulas shortly after sunrise this morning.  We had another beatiful day of weather and a comfortable easy day of walking; only 11.2 miles into the city of Leon.  We met with and visited with 3 other pilgrims that were staying in our small hotel last night: Karen from Virginia, Jack from Ireland and Kate from England.  It's fascinating to meet people from all over the world that come to walk this pilgrimage for their various reasons. Some we may see once and never again, some we will keep running into over and over again.

One thing interesting that we've been seeing lately are stork nests built in the highest location of the village which is usually the church steeple.  Pictured below is one we saw today.

We left the Palencia region of Spain the other day and entered the Leon region.  Leon is the capital and was once a Roman military garrison and base for its 12th Legion, hence the name Leon, from Legion.  We are staying tonight in a hotel just outside the walls of the old city.  There is every period and style of architecture here that you can imagine; Romanesque, Gothic and modern.  The building pictured below is called the Casa de Botines and was designed by Gaudi.  The Gothic Cathedral pictured below is the Pulchra Leonina and can be seen right out of our hotel window.

Since we didn't have that far to walk today we got into town in the early afternoon. After we finally found our hotel and checked in, we went out to a very nice restaurant in the center of town and spurlged on a nice meal.  Below are pictures of our desserts. We will be going out his evening again to explore the city and the shops after we rest a bit.  We could spend days exploring this city but tomorrow we will be on our way again.  My blisters are healing and we are feeling pretty strong considering how far we've come.  Today we started our 4th week of walking, and we have less than 200 miles to go! We are heading to Villar de Mazarife in the morning.


  1. I can't get enough if the beautiful pictures and your perfect story telling. I fell I am there with you guys!! You are the champions.

  2. You all are amazing!!! I so look forward every day to seeing your photos and reading your musings!! What an incredible physical, mental and spiritual challenge you both have embarked on! I am so grateful in your deep fatigue at the end of the day you are willing to write and share so much of your journey...I ache for your feet and bodies in the daily challenge it must be! Keep up the amazing work and challenge and thank you so much for including all of us in your is beyond words..fantastic, inspiring, incredible, AMAZING!!! HUGS, LOVE AND STRENGTH TO YOU BOTH!!! Sue :-) <3

  3. Looking forward to some face time with you soon. Get some rest today looks like by your itinerary you guys will be walking 20 miles tomorrow. Hope you can get the blister popped. I can't imagine walking with that blister the miles you are doing. Talk to you soon. Hugs

  4. Through our day to day activities we think of you often. We are currently traveling/moving across the country on our adventure west, and often dedicate our hike to you. Yesterday as we were hiking up a hill in Angel Canyon (at Best Friend's Animal Sanctuary) and getting winded, Kris reminded me of your journey, and we stopped our huffing and puffing about how steep the climb was. Perspective is everything. Thanks for raising the bar SO high that we'll never be able to complain about exercise again. :)
